Apr 5, 2020 | by Pastor Paul Folk | series: (All)
Matthew 21:1-11 Palm Sunday
Dec 22, 2019 | by Pastor Paul Folk | series: (All)
Luke 2:1-7 - The Christ came
Apr 21, 2019 | by Pastor Paul Folk | series: (All)
John 20 1-18; Mark 16:9 - The risen Christ comes to us in times of our deepest need, but He is often unrecognized. He calls His own by name and conveys a message to be delivered.
Jan 6, 2019 | by Pastor Paul Folk | series: (All)
Matthew 6:25-34 - God's answer to worry
Dec 30, 2018 | by Dan Cappel | series: (All)
James 4:13-15 - Are we really in control?
Dec 23, 2018 | by Pastor Paul Folk | series: (All)
Luke 2:8-14 - The night our Savior was born
Dec 16, 2018 | by Pastor Paul Folk | series: (All)
Psalm 142:4; 102:6-7 - God's answer to loneliness
Dec 9, 2018 | by Pastor Paul Folk | series: (All)
Psalm 42:1-6a, 9-11, 43:5 - God's answer to depression
Apr 1, 2018 | by Pastor Paul Folk | series: (All)
John 21:1-19 - The reality of the Resurrection
Dec 24, 2017 | by Pastor Paul Folk | series: (All)