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July 2021

Unworthy Servants

Luke 17:7-10
In this message we will see that we are slaves by birth, and sons by new birth.

June 2021

Rich Man and Lazarus

Theme:  In this message we will see a tale of two men, one lost one saved.

Luke 16:19-31

Kingdom Values

Luke 16:14-18
In this message we will see the deadly practice of grading yourself on a curve and thinking that you are not all that sinful compared to others.

The Parable of the Unjust Servant

Luke 16:1-13
In this message we will see whether we serve money, or use it to serve Christ.

May 2021

The Prodigal Son

Luke 15:11-32

In this message we will see the Father's love.

The Cost of Following Jesus

Luke 14:25-35

Guest of a Pharisee

Luke 14:1-24
In this message we will see three things; the heart of hypocrisy, the heart of humility, and the heavenly banquet feast.

Christ Mourns Over Jerusalem

"Christ Mourns Over Jerusalem"
Luke 13:31-35
I.     Herod desires to kill Jesus.
II.   Jesus desires to go to Jerusalem.
III.  Jesus desires to receive sinners. 
IV.  Sinners do not desire Jesus.

April 2021

“The Narrow Way”

Luke 13:22-30
Theme:  In this message we will see that we need to strive to enter the kingdom through the narrow door. 

“The Mustard Seed and the Leaven”

"The Mustard Seed and the Leaven"
Luke 13:18-21
Theme:  In this message we will see the Kingdom of God.