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February 2019

The Burning Bush

Exodus 3:1-9 - The burning bush and second chances

Moses in Midian

Exodus 2:11-25 - Moses in the wilderness

The Birth of Moses

Exodus 2:1-10 - Moses was born under a death sentence

January 2019

Pharaoh Oppresses Israel

Exodus 1:8-22 - We will see misery, midwives, and murder

The Israelites in Egypt

Exodus 1:1-7 - We will see Israel in Egypt

Intro to Exodus

Exodus overview - An introduction to the book of Exodus:  redemption's story

Why Worry

Matthew 6:25-34 - God's answer to worry

December 2018

Fatal Miscalculations

James 4:13-15 - Are we really in control?

What a Night

Luke 2:8-14 - The night our Savior was born


Psalm 142:4; 102:6-7 - God's answer to loneliness