Apr 29, 2018 | by Pastor Paul Folk | series: Journey Through Genesis
Genesis 25:27-34 - We face repeated temptations to sell that which means the most for that which is worth so little
Apr 22, 2018 | by Pastor Paul Folk | series: Journey Through Genesis
Genesis 25:19-26 - The struggle within between the old and the new nature
Apr 15, 2018 | by Pastor Paul Folk | series: Journey Through Genesis
Genesis 25:5-10 - A life of faith
Apr 8, 2018 | by Pastor Paul Folk | series: Journey Through Genesis
Genesis 24 - Rebekah was searched out, trained, and taken for Isaac as a wife
Apr 1, 2018 | by Pastor Paul Folk | series: (All)
John 21:1-19 - The reality of the Resurrection
Mar 25, 2018 | by Pastor Paul Folk | series: Journey Through Genesis
Genesis 23:1-20 - In relation to Sarah's death, we see Abraham's weeping, witness, awareness, and tomb
Mar 18, 2018 | by Pastor Paul Folk | series: Journey Through Genesis
Genesis 22:1-14 - Abraham's ultimate test of faith
Mar 11, 2018 | by Pastor Paul Folk | series: Journey Through Genesis
Genesis 21:1-21 - What Abraham learned from the birth of Isaac and the expulsion of Ishmael
Mar 4, 2018 | by Pastor Paul Folk | series: Journey Through Genesis
Genesis 20:1-18 - Repeating sin
Feb 25, 2018 | by Pastor Paul Folk | series: Journey Through Genesis
Genesis 19:1-38 - The rescue of Lot