Feb 16, 2020 | by Pastor Paul Folk | series: Luke
Luke 1:26-38
Gabriel's conversation with Mary
Feb 9, 2020 | by Pastor Paul Folk | series: Luke
Luke 1:57-67, 76-77, 80
The arrival of John the Baptist
Feb 2, 2020 | by Pastor Paul Folk | series: Luke
Luke 1:5-25
The birth of John the Baptist is announced.
Jan 26, 2020 | by Pastor Paul Folk | series: Luke
Luke 1:1-4
An introduction to Luke's Gospel.
Jan 5, 2020 | by Pastor Paul Folk | series: Exodus
Exodus 32:1-35 - The causes, consequences, and confrontation of sin which leads to the chastisement against sin
Dec 29, 2019 | by Pastor Paul Folk | series: Exodus
Exodus 28:1-4 - The believer is to put on Christ as his garment
Dec 22, 2019 | by Pastor Paul Folk | series: (All)
Luke 2:1-7 - The Christ came
Dec 8, 2019 | by Pastor Paul Folk | series: Exodus
Exodus 25:17-22; Leviticus 16:3-22 - Christ our Sovereign
Dec 1, 2019 | by Pastor Paul Folk | series: Exodus
Exodus 25:10-22; 37:1-9 - Christ our security
Nov 24, 2019 | by Pastor Paul Folk | series: Exodus
Exodus 30:1-10; 34-38 - The golden altar of incense: Christ our supplication!