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September 2018

A Conscience Restored

Genesis 42 - Resurrecting a dead conscience

Remembered and Promoted

Genesis 41 - Interpretation, elevation, and illumination bring about a turning point in the life of Joseph.


Genesis 39:20-23; 40:1-15, 23 - God must prepare Joseph for the great task before him, and He does this through "Godly detours".

Purity Test

Genesis 39:7-23 - The test of purity

August 2018

God was with Joseph

Genesis 39:1-6 - The Lord was with Joseph; protecting, prospering, and promoting him.

Judah and Tamar

Genesis 38 - The ugliest chapter in the Bible

Shattered Dreams

Genesis 37:12-35 - The heartbreak of shattered dreams


Genesis 37:1-11 - Joseph: favored son, hated brother

July 2018


Genesis 34-35 - When we disobey the Lord, we put ourselves and our loved ones in danger.

Jacob Meets Esau

Genesis 33 - Healing the hurts of the past